Hydraulic parts supply
In general, the activities of this part of the company can be classified in three formats
- Preparation and supply of alternative hydraulic equipment for hydraulic systems
Hydroazma company has the ability to meet the needs of respected employers by identifying the performance of the system and choosing the appropriate replacement equipment and taking the necessary measures regarding the procurement and supply from the domestic and foreign markets, relying on the company’s vast commercial facilities.
- Production and supply of hydraulic equipment with different brands
Relying on its experience in knowing and operating hydraulic equipment and having access to internal and external resources, Hydroazma company has the ability to supply all types of pumps, hydromotors, valves and other hydraulic tools in new or second-hand form at the right price and at the right time.
- Acquisition of after-sales service agency of Linde Hydraulic Company, Germany
The Linde Hydraulic Company of Germany is active in the field of producing all kinds of hydraulic tools, power transmission and electronics all over the world. Its product range includes pumps and hydraulic motors, valves, electronic controls and peripheral devices.
Our ways of communication
Phone: +9821-66154024 | +9821-66153928 | +9821-65020819
Financial affairs: +9821-65020816
Fax: +9821-66153928
Address : NO181, Vahedi Complex, Azizi Street, 17Shahrivar Street, ShadAbad, Tehran, Iran
Email : m.seyedinasab@hydroazma.ir | info@hydroazma.ir
Postal code : 1371857911
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